Trained and certified through the International Placenta & Postpartum Association (IPPA), I am able to offer many options to those that choose to consume their placenta. Options can include encapsulation, tinctures and salves. A placenta print is also a beautiful way to honour this incredible life giver!
Virtually all mammals consume their placentas after birth. There are important hormones within that support those who birth to recover more easily after the birth of their baby. I strongly recommend you plan to keep and store your placenta safely whether or not you ultimately choose to have it encapsulated to keep your options open.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the placenta?
The word 'placenta' comes from the Latin word 'cake' or disc shaped. Some refer to the placenta as the baby's first birthday cake (gives new meaning to the traditional circle shaped cake served at birthday's doesn't it?!) The placenta is formed from the same sperm and egg cells that form the baby and has two functions, maternal and fetal. The placenta is a disposable organ attached to the inside of your womb during pregnancy. This incredible organ is the only disposable organ that the human body creates and then naturally discards once its purpose is fulfilled.
When the blastocyst (tiny form of cells that become baby) implant on the uterine wall, placental development begins. The outer layer of the blastocyst becomes the trophoblast which forms the amniotic sac. It wraps around the cluster of cells protecting the developing baby. The common "shush" sounds used to soothe baby after birth, imitates the sound of blood flow from the placenta.
What are the benefits of consuming your placenta?
After consuming their placenta, Mothers/birthers have reported:
an early and continued healthy milk supply
replenished iron and vitamin B stores
increased postpartum energy
balanced hormones
decreased risk of postpartum depression and anxiety
decreased need for pain medications
decreased postnatal bleeding
Are there any risks to consuming your placenta?
Most risks revolve around the improper handling of the placenta before encapsulation and not in the ingestion. Reasons the placenta may not be safe for encapsulating:
if your placenta has been taken to pathology or left your eyesight/hospital room. I cannot guarantee that the placenta has been handled properly or been introduced to bacteria or chemicals in the pathology lab, therefor rendering it unsafe for consumption.
if the placenta is not refrigerated properly - your placenta must be stored properly in the fridge or cooler on ice within 4 hours of birth of placenta. See proper storage protocol below.
uterine infection - it is ultimately up to yourself and your care provider to determine if your placenta is safe for encapsulation if you've been diagnosed with uterine infection during pregnancy. If infection is suspected but needs time to be confirmed, you can always freeze the placenta and encapsulate it once your results come back.
I am currently not encapsulating in my home if you have positive HIV, Hep A, B, or C results.
heavy smoking, nicotine use, drugs (cocaine, heroin, and methadone), and alcohol use during pregnancy renders the placenta unsafe for encapsulation.
How do I store my placenta safely?
Hospital births:
Bring a hard shell cooler with lid with you to hospital in cases where you will not have a personal fridge in your room (as most local hospitals do not have a safe storage for your placenta). I would suggest preparing the cooler and placing next to your prepared hospital bag. When you arrive at hospital, be sure to remind the hospital staff of your wishes to keep your placenta. This can be made easier if you have it also written in your birth preference documentation if you have one. Your partner, doula or midwife/OB should also know your wishes so they can help remind hospital staff when you may be busy meeting your little one. Once the placenta is birthed, it will be checked over by your care provider to ensure it is safe for encapsulation. Your hospital may have their own protocol around storing your placenta (clear plastic bags, plastic bag within a white bin, etc) but it should never leave your room. You can then place the bagged placenta in your cooler with at least two bags of ice, one below and one above your placenta (ice and bags can often be found in the parent ice station in hallways or parent rooms). If you receive the placenta in a bag, in a white bin, please add the bagged ice inside of bin with the placenta as ice around the bin itself may not keep the placenta cool enough. If your cooler is not large enough for the white plastic bin, you can remove the bagged placenta from the bin and place in your cooler with the ice surrounding it. The placenta must be either in your cooler or a fridge within 4 hours. Text me as soon as possible so I can come to pick up or give you further instructions for safe storing for longer periods of time.
Home birth:
Decide if you are comfortable with your placenta being in your fridge in ziploc bag or a sealable container you can throw out after use. If you'd prefer, you can prepare a hard shell cooler and 1 gallon ziploc bags labelled with your name, and be sure to have plenty of ice pre-made in freezer. Once the placenta is birthed, your care provider will check it over to be sure it's safe for encapsulation. Once cleared, place your placenta in your ziploc bag or sealable container and place in fridge OR place in ziploc bag and cover above and below with ice in your cooler (ideally placing the ice in their own separate bags). Text me as soon as possible so I can come to pick up or give you further instruction for safe storing for longer periods of time.
What if my care provider says my placenta is not safe for encapsulation?
It is rare for your placenta to be deemed "unsafe" for consumption. If you or your care team has any concerns, please store your placenta safely and connect with me directly so we can discuss options. You may still be able to do a print, use the cord to make a keepsake or choose to bury your placenta in a ceremony to honour this life giving organ.
What are the methods of encapsulation?
Raw Method:
The raw method of placental encapsulation involves cleaning, draining of excess blood and cutting thinly into strips before placing in the dehydrator. Raw food activists believe steaming or heating the placenta before dehydrating could destroy some of the nutrients. Using the raw method creates a very nutrient and hormone dense capsule. It will also produce a higher yield of capsules. If you have a history of bipolar tendencies, anxiety or depression, you may need less capsules per suggested intake, which will also mean your capsules may last longer.
Basic Heated Method:
In the basic heated method the placenta is prepared using gentle heat to cook first, then sliced and dehydrated. This method believes that the warmth produced in the placenta through cooking will translate into the person who birthed after consumption, keeping their belly warm inside and out. Basic heated method yields less capsules than the raw method.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Method:
Chinese medicine is a philosophical medicine. It is based on one's view of the world. One basic concept is Qi which is translated as energy or life force. Typically warming herbs such as ginger, star anise and chili can be added to prepare in the traditional Chinese medicine method. After much research, I realize I am not comfortable performing the Traditional Chinese Medicine method as I believe it should only be done in collaboration with a trained traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
What if I'm induced, have a medicated birth or cesarean birth. Can I still encapsulate my placenta?
Yes! Your particular birth choice or outcomes does not affect your ability to encapsulate.
What if I'm choosing delayed cord clamping? Can I still encapsulate?
Yes! Delayed cord clamping is extremely beneficial to baby - waiting to clamp the cord for just 60 seconds can provide baby with enough iron stores to last their first full year! The cord can still be used for a keepsake or included in your encapsulation.
They want to take my placenta to pathology but that will mean it leaves my eyesight and therefor not qualify for encapsulation. What are my options?
I would suggest asking them to take a small portion of the placenta for testing if required instead of the whole placenta. This is not always an option in some cases, but it worth requesting! If you are wanting a print made, ask that they take the sample from the maternal side.
What if I give birth prematurely? Can I still encapsulate?
Yes! However, in some cases, your care provider may want to send your placenta to pathology to try and find a cause for preterm labour. In this instance you can ask if they could take only a small sample, leaving you most of your placenta to be encapsulated. They must take the sample in your hospital room - if your entire placenta goes to pathology there is no guarantee it has not come into contact with bacteria or chemicals and therefor cannot be encapsulated.
What if I'm vegan?
Veganism involves not eating the by-products of a non-consenting being. In this theory, if it is your own placenta, it is fine. I also use 100% plant derived, no additives, preservative free, Kosher and gluten-free capsules upon request.
Do I have to deliver my placenta to you?
No*. Parents have done enough on their birthing day! I ask that you text me as soon as possible after the birth so I can plan to come and pick up. I can pick up from home or hospital and will return your placenta to you at either hospital or home when it is prepared, typically with 48-72 hours from pick up. *Note: Areas included in services: Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Richmond, and Burnaby.
There is an additional pick up/delivery fee if you live in Delta, Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, Squamish, etc. The is fee $25 for pick up and $25 for delivery. If you have a friend/family/doula who can coordinate meeting me closer to Vancouver, the additional fee(s) can be waived.
How soon will you pick up after I contact you?
I strive to pick up as soon as possible, usually within 4-8 hours after birth. I do not pick up throughout the night. If you birth after 9pm, you can connect with me by text and I will aim to arrive early the next day (after 8am). Due to my postpartum support work and life commitments with my own children, in rare times it may be 8-12 hours after birth but I strive to pick up promptly or have a back up support pick up and store for me in emergencies (I will always be the one to encapsulate unless discussed and agreed upon with you prior).
What type of supplies are used and how are they sterilized?
I use stainless steel, food grade plastic or disposable items to prepare your placenta. Everything is washed in hot water and anti-bacterial soap and then disinfected in bleach solution for a minimum of 10+ minutes. I then take an additional step to wipe down any reusable items with hospital grade cleaner. I follow the same guidelines for cleanliness and sanitation as food establishments and small laboratories/hospitals per my up-to-date Blood Borne Pathogens and Food Safe Certifications.
How many capsules will I receive?
Amount of capsules varies depending on size of placenta and method used (raw dehydrated vs. basic heated method). The raw method typically yields 140-200+ capsules. The basic heated method typically yields 100-150+ capsules.
How should I take my capsules?
Detailed suggested intake instructions will be emailed before delivery of package.
Typical recommendations may look like the following:
3 capsules, 3 times a day for the first week
2 capsules, 3 times a day for the second week
1 capsule, 3 times a day for the remaining weeks.
It is suggested to keep some capsules for your first menstrual cycle, returning to work or any other times of stress you may encounter within the first two years after birth.
How should I store my capsules and for how long?
It is recommended to store your capsules in a cool, dark area, such as a cabinet. It is not recommended to store on a windowsill, in direct sunlight or in fridge due to high levels of moisture which can introduce bacterial growth. Capsules should be safe to consume until 2 years post encapsulation. 6 weeks after birth, it is recommended to store in ziploc bag in freezer. I write the 6 week date on your capsule jar for convenience.
Is there any time I should NOT take my capsules?
If you have an illness, fever, cold/flu or mastitis it is recommended to stop taking your capsules immediately. It is believed continuing to take them could cause the infection to linger in your system longer. Once your fever or illness is cleared you can begin taking the capsules again.
If you are healthy but experiencing anxiousness, jitteriness, or insomnia, it would be suggested to take 1 less capsules at next dose and continue weaning slowly until you reach desired mood.
Placenta Specialities
Encapsulation - the process of dehydrating your placenta to be consumed in capsule form. Can be encapsulated using the Raw or Basic Heated method by your choice. I will pick up and deliver back to you at home or hospital ~ $300
Print - a print of your placenta's fetal side or "tree of life" using either natural blood or food colours depending on your choice.
~ $25/print when purchased with encapsulation services.
~ $75 for print ONLY (no encapsulation and includes pick up and drop off service)
Tincture - a small portion of your placenta is dehydrated, ground and placed in medicine jar with dropper and 100 proof alcohol (gluten free options available). It is left for 6 weeks to extract. Tinctures are long lasting if stored properly and can be used years down the road for hormone stabilization and energy. You can place drops under tongue and hold for 60 seconds. You can also mix drops with a bit of juice ~ $40/4 oz
Salve - A placenta salve can be used on yourself or your child(ren) to soothe many skin irritations such as diaper rash, cracked nipples, cradle cap, stretch marks, dry or irritated skin, eczema, scar tissue, wrinkles, bug bites and/or sunburn. It should last for approximately one year if stored properly and using a clean finger or cosmetic spatula for each use. Salves are lovingly created using your placenta powder and gently heating with all organic ingredients: coconut oil, beeswax, calendula, comfrey, plantain, yarrow, vitamin E (for preservation) and lavender flowers for a natural, soothing scent ~ $40/4 oz
When applied topically, benefits of the Salves herbal additions*:
Calendula - can be used with any skin type. Its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help calm redness and inflammation, while easing skin discomfort.
Comfrey - reduces inflammation and promotes new skin cell growth. It also contains astringent properties which help tighten and tone the skin.
Plantain - promotes wound healing, accelerates wound healing and helps to soothe dry, itchy skin.
Yarrow - reduces inflammation and soothes skin irritations. It has the ability to accelerate the healing process and minimize scarring.
Lavender - adds a calming, natural scent while its anti-inflammatory properties refresh skin, speeds up wound healing and reduces the appearance of scars, acne and wrinkles.
*Though the herbs work in collaboration with each other, if you have allergies or restrictions to any of the herbs listed above, they can be omitted from your salve
Encapsulation + Print + Tincture OR Salve ~ Includes encapsulation with your choice of capsules, print and your choice of 4oz tincture OR 4oz salve ~ $350 (*a savings of $15!)
Encapsulation + Print + Tincture + Salve ~ Includes encapsulation with your choice of capsules + print + 4oz tincture + 4oz salve ~ $390 (*a savings of $15!)